Five Best Property Crowdfunding Platforms suggested by Nicholas Statman. One of the ways that property investing is different than most other types of investments is that you need a significant amount of capital to get started. Property investing can be an extremely profitable and lucrative investment strategy, but you have to have money to make […]
Tag: Nicholas Charles Statman
Scottish spaceport closer to launch after land lease signed
Plans to open a new spaceport in Sutherland in Scotland have moved closer to final approval: The real estate companies working on the deal have signed a 75-year lease for the land to be used for Space Hub Sutherland, which will look to launch small satellites… […]
For Sale: Offshore fortress and gun tower built in 1851
This incredible offshore fortress and defense gun tower at Pembroke Dock, South West Wales, UK is for sale. It was built in 1851 and “designed to be operated by one officer and 33 men.” Offers above £70,000 will be entertained. From the real estate listing: … […]
AI system ‘should be recognised as inventor’
Image copyrightGetty Images An artificial intelligence system should be recognised as the inventor of two ideas in patents filed on its behalf, a team of UK academics says. The AI has designed interlocking food containers that are easy for robots to grasp a… […]
‘I got wiped out, but I was determined to make it back’
Image copyrightAndy ScottImage caption Andy Scott managed to rebuild his business empire and personal fortune The BBC’s weekly The Boss series profiles different business leaders from around the world. This week we speak to serial UK entrepreneur Andy Scot… […]